Things You Can Do to Spread Joy During National Smile Week

We can all agree that the last year and a half has been challenging and stressful in so many ways. However, we also know that it is our close circle of friends and family as well as the kindness of strangers that have been the key to getting through it all. This week is National Smile Week. It was created many years before COVID-19 as a way to encourage kindness and thoughtfulness in a way that would hopefully go viral in a good way! Now more than ever, participating in National Smile Week is a good way to help others as the stress and concern over health and wellness continue for those of all ages. Here, in San Diego, we want to make the most of this week and pay it forward in the weeks to come so we can all maintain a positive frame of mind. Our team at our San Diego flower shops, including those in La Mesa and El Cajon, shared their thoughts about what we can all do during National Smile Week to focus on positive mental health for all here in San Diego and around the country. Make a concerted effort to smile more. It will rub off on others, making them feel good and perhaps inspiring them to smile more, too. While we may have to wear masks in certain places, which means not everyone will see us smile, we can still smile with our eyes and with our voices. Think of what you can do for others, large or small. It can be holding the door for someone, helping them with errands or tasks around the house, participating in volunteer work, or buying something for those in need like school supplies or clothes, groceries, [...]

2021-08-12T16:46:10+00:00August 10th, 2021|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Things You Can Do to Spread Joy During National Smile Week

Floral Gift Ideas For Special August Events

Allen's Flowers San Diego's Favorite Florist Allen's Flowers has grown to be recognized as an industry leader and has been awarded a top 100 florist in the USA for several years now. This award is one of the most prestigious in the industry with over 36,000 florists competing for the honor. Locally, Allen's Flowers has been selected as the best florist in San Diego by the readers of the San Diego Union-Tribune and for 8 years. We have flower shops throughout San Diego, including our main location in San Diego, downtown San Diego, El Cajon, and La Mesa. Our San Diego flower and gift shops along with our website are ideal partners for your gift-giving needs. August continues to be a month to recognize those around you and make them feel valued and loved. The third week of August is National Friendship Week. Other special August days include Senior Citizen'sDay on August 21st and Kiss and Make-Up Day on August 28th. At our San Diego flower shops and through our website, we have some thoughtful floral gifts to celebrate these special people whether they live in San Diego or across the country. Here are some gift ideas: SWEET & SAVORY CRATE Gift an assortment of local artisan chocolates, cheese, meat, crackers and more arranged in a hand-made wooden crate. FRUIT, HONEY, & TEA CRATE We have many gift crates that are available like this assortment of fresh, premium fruit that is delivered with premium tea and honey. The deluxe size adds assorted nuts. SUNFLOWER SIMPLICITY Choose to give an arrangement of six, nine, or twelve sunflowers. The sunflowers are then combined with yellow accent flowers and arranged in a clear glass vase. GARDEN ENCHANTMENT (HAND-TIE BOUQUET) A hand-tied bouquet is a sweet gesture [...]

2019-08-17T18:01:57+00:00August 17th, 2019|Categories: Gifts|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Floral Gift Ideas For Special August Events
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