Allen’s Flowers Offers Same Day Flowers and Plant Hospital Delivery to Alvarado Hospital Medical Center
Allen's Flowers Allen's Flowers provides local same day and express flower delivery service to Alvarado Hospital Medical Center. Our firm has been voted Best Florist in San Diego on numerous occasions. We offer beautiful farm fresh flowers, plants and get-well themed gifts. Allen's Flowers is open 7 days a week. If you need your get-well flowers, plant or gift to arrive at a specific time, we recommend that you select our 4-hour express delivery service option. The Alvarado Hospital Medical Center is truly committed and focused at making the state-of-the-art medical facility a safe place for care. Patients and families can rest assured that the professionals at AHMC have taken all the steps necessary to we can to protect you and those you love. Alvarado Hospital Medical Center is making sure all patients do not have to choose between safety and getting the care they need. Alvarado Hospital Medical Center has been recognized by Healthgrades for excellence in patient safety with a 2022 Patient Safety Excellence Award™. This places Alvarado among the top 5% of all short-term acute care hospitals reporting patient safety data as evaluated by Healthgrades. This marks the eighth consecutive year that Healthgrades has awarded Alvarado Hospital this distinction (2015-2022). The Alvarado Hospital Medical Center was also awarded prestigious "Get with The Guidelines" awards from the American Heart Association in 2022: a Gold Plus award for the treatment of Stroke, and a Silver Plus award for the treatment of Heart Failure. “Patient safety is our mantra,” explains Kenneth McFarland, CEO of Alvarado Hospital. “There are some things that we cannot control in our industry, so we concentrate on things we can, like the quality of care we deliver, and the well-being of the patients we take care of. [...]