Green is the New Black: Going Green with Plants
With people’s concerns about global pollution and the climate change problems, it is pretty easy to understand why so many are going green. They even sell shoes made from recycled materials while others are looking to add solar and reduce their carbon footprint in as many ways as possible. We will let you decide, but whether it is or is not, being even a little environmentally courteous can not only help you, but it will also help others. You don’t have to drive a Prius and go to rallies to save the ear th. Through just a few simple changes, you can leave behind a much more environmentally courteous footprint. Potted Plants Like the title suggests, owning potted plants are a great way to help the environment; especially your immediate one. Plants of all kinds give off oxygen and, according to numerous studies, also clean the air a help people in a variety of ways. If you work in a stuffy cubicle or just want to help freshen up at home, one or two potted plants can really help improve your quality of living. Don’t stop there though -- potted plants make great gifts too and they can be truly sentimental when given to the right person. When you buy flowers for someone, it is often a way of telling them how much they mean to you. Well, plants can work the same way. However, if you have more environmentally aware friends, then what better way to say, ‘Thinking of you,’ than with a gift that not only shows you care about them, but that you also care about what they care about. Of course, not just potted plants help the environment; all plants do and they are even beautiful to [...]